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Installing a water softener system is a great idea especially if you have hard water. Where will the water softener be installed? Will it go in the garage, if so where in the garage, or will it be installed outside on the side of the house. These are common issues we deal with everyday with homeowners seeking to install a water softener system. A water softener system installation location will be determined by the location of the water supply pipe that feeds your home. Let’s take a closer look.
I have found that most people installing a water softener system want it located inside the garage. The garage is a protection for the water softener and will protect it from the outdoor exposure. How do you know if the water softener can be installed in the garage? You will need to locate the main water supply to the home and if the main water supply pipe is located on the same side as the garage, then a garage install is simple. If your water supply pipe is on the garage side of the home you won’t need to pay your builder for the water softener loop. How do you know where the water supply pipe is for your home? Simple. Locate the water meter shut off valve typically by the street. If the water meter shut off valve is on the garage side of the home, then the supply pipe likely enters on the garage side. If that’s the case, locating the water softener system inside the garage will be simple. When we install the system in the garage we will likely drain the discharge from the system to the washer machine drain.
If the water meter shut off valve is on the opposite side of the home away from the garage, we recommend the install be in the garage or outside. When the water supply pipe is on the opposite side of the garage, we still may be able to install a water softener system inside the garage. The team will hand trench from the supply pipe to the garage wall. We will trench through the sod and the flower beds and jet underneath the walkway, if you have one. This allows us to redirect the water supply pipes to the garage so that we can install the water softener at the end of the trench location. Depending on the layout of the home, different solutions will be available if the design doesn’t allow us to access the garage. When this happens, we will need to install the water softener system outside the home. We secure the water softener system in the ground by burying it about half way or waist high and it will be located near the location of the water supply pipe. When this occurs, we also install a French Drain for the discharge drain water.
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